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En mangfoldskomitè på Campus

Forfatterens bilde: ArbeidsutvalgetArbeidsutvalget

Apply before 21st of October.

The purpose of the Campus Diversity Committee is to assess the needs of improvement to ensure a more inclusive campus for all students at NMBU. The committee should look at all aspects of inclusion but shall begin with inclusion between international and Norwegian students.

The Diversity Committee will:

• Make a needs assessment (such as surveys, interest groups, interviews and so on) for the Student Democracy to assess what inclusion actions must be taken to ensure that all students have the same accessibility to participate in the Student Democracy. The assessment shall result in proposals to enhance the accessibility

• Do a broader needs assessment of the campus life and climate to create a policy document with recommendations for a more inclusive campus for all students regardless of ability, age, national origin, religious beliefs, ethnicity, race, gender identity and social economic status

• Review institutional and organizational communications, policies, and procedures actively promoting diversity and inclusion using best practices and ensuring a safe, welcoming community climate that values a culture of inclusivity including, but not limited to, ability, age, national origin, religious beliefs, ethnicity, race, gender identity and social economic status

• Create a guideline for inclusivity which all student organizations can access and utilize to make their activities and organization more accessible to all student

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Kontor: U118 (Urbygningen) 

Ole Sverres Plass 1 1432 ÅS



Studenttingets Arbeidsutvalg v/ NMBU, Postboks 1202

NMBU 1432 ÅS


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